Traversal Visits

measured as the accumulated number of visits after traversing the network:

  1. begin at every article
  2. first link receives +1 visit
  3. continue to next first link, +1 visit
    • stop at a repeated article or invalid link
In [2]:
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats 
import numpy as np
import json

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns

path = "/Users/mark/Dropbox/Math/Complex_Systems/research/wikipedia-network/paper/writeup/graphics/"
In [3]:
#load results into dataframe (~ 1min runtime)

results_path = "/Users/mark/Desktop/wiki_v4/"
with open(results_path + "clicks.json") as f:
    dict = json.load(f)
df = pd.DataFrame(dict.items())
df.columns = ['article', 'traversal visits']

df = df.sort_values(by='traversal visits', ascending=False)
In [3]:
#add a rank column and log scaled columns

df['log(traversal visits)'] = np.log10(df['traversal visits']+1)
df['rank'] = np.arange(1, df.shape[0]+1)
df['log(rank)'] = np.log10(df['rank'])

df['traversal visits (m)'] = df['traversal visits'] / 1000000

Top 50 Articles

In [6]:
article traversal visits
1031718 Existence 7400884
3381363 Quality (philosophy) 7400884
4495967 Consciousness 7400884
1020904 Conscious 7400884
973077 Awareness 7400884
7948850 Philosophy 7400884
7974918 Reality 7400884
4042014 Modern philosophy 7269259
1584377 Property (philosophy) 7269255
7062295 Quantity 7259791
6069882 Mathematics 7255122
2860219 Set (mathematics) 7079148
7332038 Explanation 6622934
10976731 Hypothesis 6616886
5125755 Experiment 6616203
3512481 Experience 6614083
9387432 Fact 6613815
4514332 Knowledge 6613248
9531996 Science 6444926
6731720 Natural science 4633960
9081904 Biology 3400690
4579566 Tribe (biology) 2028827
5133222 Hominini 2027606
7799954 Human 2027495
5997652 World 1509110
8371182 Community 1412646
5587156 State (polity) 1401610
4178551 Earth 1335477
462809 Geography 1297144
4911286 Organism 993743
1101605 Human geography 910619
9429023 Political geography 910554
501901 Country 910528
2579735 Physics 905296
10256925 Political union 858725
7160526 Federation 858699
2193 Social science 835526
6063250 Federal republic 723998
7768454 United States 645237
6527028 Administrative division 466333
7830566 Data 455691
4507680 Information 425296
2909326 Power (social and political) 417078
2696928 Biological interaction 413946
3386346 Competition (biology) 413936
4513068 Competition 413358
6308195 Sport 407781
2147984 Landmass 404722
5220083 Continent 404716
1513596 Communication 390890
In [25]:
df.head(50).iloc[::-1].plot(x="article", y="traversal visits (m)", kind="barh", fontsize=14,
                            legend=False, figsize=(6,16), color="#268bd2")
#no background
ax = plt.gca()

plt.xlabel("Traversal Visits \n (in millions)", fontsize=14)

plt.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=14)

#save figure
plt.savefig(path+'articles_ranked.png', format='png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

How many articles are there?

In [7]:
article             11277534
traversal visits    11277534
dtype: int64

How many articles have 0 traversal visits?

In [6]:
df[df['traversal visits'] == 0].count()
page      8567636
visits    8567636
dtype: int64

How many articles have fewer than 100 traversal visits?

In [8]:
df[df['traversal visits'] < 100].count()
article             11251449
traversal visits    11251449
dtype: int64

How many articles have more than 100 traversal visits?

In [8]:
df[df['traversal visits'] > 100].count()
page      25845
visits    25845
dtype: int64

What's the distribution of traversal visits?

In [32]:
visits_plot1 = df['traversal visits (m)'].head(10000).plot(kind='hist', title="Top 10,000 Articles")
visits_plot1.set_xlabel("traversal visits (millions)")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x13e623c10>
In [35]:
visits_plot2 = df['traversal visits (m)'].head(1000).plot(kind='hist', title="Top 1,000 Articles")
visits_plot2.set_xlabel("traversal visits (millions)")

#save figure
plt.savefig(path+'top_1k_article_traversals.png', format='png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
In [36]:
visits_plot3 = df['traversal visits (m)'].head(100).plot(kind='hist', title="Top 100 Articles")
visits_plot3.set_xlabel("traversal visits (millions)")

#save figure
plt.savefig(path+'top_100_article_traversals.png', format='png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

all articles

In [22]:
sns.violinplot(y='traversal visits', data=df)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x20cba3b90>
In [4]:
#log traversal visits

sns.violinplot(y='log(traversal visits)', data=df)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10f2f7050>
/Users/mark/Envs/wiki-py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if self._edgecolors == str('face'):
In [24]:
#traversal visists versus rank

plt.scatter(df["rank"], df["traversal visits"], color="#6495ED")
plt.title("Traversal Visits per Article")
plt.ylabel("Number of Traversal Visits")
plt.xlabel("Article Rank (by traversal visits)")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x20bae16d0>

On a Logarithmic Scale

In [5]:
#linear fit of log(rank) vs. log(traveral visits)
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(df["log(rank)"], df["log(traversal visits)"])
print slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err 
-0.636060645731 4.34266050449 -0.930719619472 0.0 7.44281732628e-05

Power-law exponent: -0.636

In [6]:

plt.scatter(df["log(rank)"], df["log(traversal visits)"],  color="#F08080", label="r-value = -0.93")

plt.title("Traversal Visits Distribution")
plt.xlabel("log(Article Rank)")
plt.ylabel("log(Traversal Visits)")
In [4]:
plt.scatter(df["log(rank)"], df["log(traversal visits)"], color="#F08080",
                        label=r'$\alpha$ = -0.64'+"\n$\gamma$ = -.56"+"\nPearson\'s r = -0.93 ")
plt.xlabel("$\log_{10}$(Article Rank)", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("$\log_{10}$(Traversal Visits)", fontsize=14)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=14) #axis font size

plt.plot(range(0, 8), [x*-0.636060 + 4.34266050449 for x in range(0, 8)])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x138710850>]

Top Regime

In [10]:
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(df["log(rank)"][:10**5], df["log(traversal visits)"][:10**5])
print slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err 
-1.22827104244 7.45682294098 -0.998440306922 0.0 0.000217190894288
In [12]:
plt.scatter(df["log(rank)"][:10**5], df["log(traversal visits)"][:10**5:], color="#F08080")
plt.xlabel("$\log_{10}$(Article Rank)", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("$\log_{10}$(Traversal Visits)", fontsize=14)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=14) #axis font size

plt.plot(range(0, 6), [x*-1.22827104244 + 7.45682294098 for x in range(0, 6)])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1304f4190>]

Bottom Regime

In [13]:
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(df["log(rank)"][10**5:], 
                                                               df["log(traversal visits)"][10**5:])
print slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err 
-0.57896217612 3.96006843729 -0.919092356404 0.0 7.42439023587e-05
In [14]:
plt.scatter(df["log(rank)"][10**5:], df["log(traversal visits)"][10**5:], color="#F08080")
plt.xlabel("$\log_{10}$(Article Rank)", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("$\log_{10}$(Traversal Visits)", fontsize=14)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=14) #axis font size

plt.plot(range(5, 8), [x*-0.57896217612 + 3.96006843729 for x in range(5, 8)])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x13d58a510>]

combined plot with regimes

In [ ]:
plt.scatter(df["log(rank)"], df["log(traversal visits)"], color="#F08080", 
plt.xlabel("$\log_{10}$(Article Rank)", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("$\log_{10}$(Traversal Visits)", fontsize=14)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=14) #axis font size

#top regime
plt.plot(range(0, 6), [x*-1.22827104244 + 7.45682294098 for x in range(0, 6)], 
         label=r'$\alpha$ = -1.23'+"\n$\gamma$ = 0.187"+"\nPearson\'s r = -0.99")

#bottom regime
plt.plot(range(5, 8), [x*-0.57896217612 + 3.96006843729 for x in range(5, 8)],
        label="\n" + r'$\alpha$ = -0.579'+"\n$\gamma$ = -0.727"+"\nPearson\'s r = -0.93")

#define plot axis limits
axes = plt.gca()
xticks = axes.xaxis.get_major_ticks()
yticks = axes.yaxis.get_major_ticks()

#save figure
plt.savefig(path+'traversals_per_article.png', format='png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

Fit to a Power Law

  • For full analysis of Power Law Fit see "power_law_visits.ipynb"
In [26]:

sns.distplot(df["traversal visits"], kde=False, fit=stats.powerlaw)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x115541810>

Descriptive Statistics

In [15]:
df['traversal visits'].describe()
count    11277534.000000
mean           20.603523
std          9501.095584
min             0.000000
25%             0.000000
50%             0.000000
75%             0.000000
max       7400884.000000
Name: traversal visits, dtype: float64

A sample of articles with 0 traversal vists

In [16]:
df.sort(columns='traversal visits').head(50)
article traversal visits
5638766 Topspin 3 0
9645400 Marco Zwyssig 0
5840661 Bobby Webb 0
5840659 The Lord of the Nazgûl 0
5840658 Mansuri, Bafq 0
5840657 Nyctemera fasciata 0
5840656 Kiss of Life (film) 0
9645402 Darreh-ye Gachi Ab Deyfeh 0
5840654 Billy Lang 0
5840653 911 gt3 0
9645403 Tony Clownarelli 0
5840651 James Molloy 0
9645405 Hitlerjunge Quex 0
5840649 Andrea Barberi 0
5840648 1961-62 nhl season 0
5840647 Jurassic Park (film series) 0
9645406 Roberto cabot 0
5840645 Al Najjada 0
9645407 2011–12 Biathlon World Cup – World Cup 8 0
5840643 Dog Eat Dog (US game show) 0
5840642 Koraku-en 0
9645408 Cowiedesmus eroticopodus 0
5840640 Kynzvart 0
5840639 Astrological house 0
5840638 Underwater Football 0
5840637 Doggie kruger 0
5840636 No Doubt (Petra album) 0
5840635 Chala Bagundi 0
5840634 A Killer Wthin 0
5840633 Paul Chesterton 0
5840664 Matt de la Pena 0
5840632 Mount Cook (Saint Elias Mountains) 0
9645398 Peter J. Conradi 0
5840667 1990 European Athletics Championships - Women'... 0
9645392 Kumkum..Ek Pyaara Sa Bandhan 0
9645393 Thalia dealbata 0
5840694 Mt. Davidson 0
5840693 Gum trees 0
5840692 Bekhaye 0
5840691 Lonsdale Street 0
5840690 Ecumenical views of Mary 0
5840689 Beatrice M. Tinsley Prize 0
5840688 Joanne C. Benson 0
5840687 Anonymus Belae regis notarius 0
9645394 Chinese Palaces 0
5840685 Western high plateau 0
5840684 Sir Derek Milman, 9th Baronet 0
5840683 Deghtzut 0
5840682 Boulengerochromis microlepis 0
5840681 List of butterflies Niue 0