Each morning we find ourselves in wide flung arms of drowsy possibilities. Cradled by the warm embrace of our beds, we begin our day, rebooted and rejuvenated. Having not eaten for a full eight hours, we can enjoy a guilt free breakfast, setting a blissful tone for the day.


Hourly frequency of meal references on twitter.
See figure 1 page 3 of our paper for details.

Last night's dreams of victory and triumph bolster our delusions of adequacy, preparing us to surmount any of life's challenges. But the moment we step outside, reality commences its slow and insidious descent. Its weight, compressing our spine, crushing our dreams, alters the course of the day completely.  The soul crushing litany of work, interacting with people, and generally living our lives takes its toll. As our sanity unravels, apathy takes root. The profane becomes our standard of expression. In the throes of despair, we swear just to feel something. We swear increasingly as we realize the inevitability of repeating this all again tomorrow.

F***, that's a terrifying thought.

This ephemeral pattern is reflected in our tweets, our spontaneous burst of being. Below, we see our happiness peaks during the early hours of the day, and degrades as the hours progress (yellow circles). The proportion of profanity in our tweets, however, follows a reverse cycle. Profanity appears in a smaller percent of tweets at the start of each day, and increases gradually as time wears on.

Daily Unraveling

Daily Unraveling
See figure 10 page 15 of our paper for details.

Remarkably, the relative frequency of these five expressions of frustration (a******,  b****, s***, f***, m***********) are quite similar.

Well done, humans.

To avoid experiencing the daily unraveling, we recommend eating organic, local dark chocolate all day long.